#Readathon – Dewey’s Readathon Post Summary

Dear readathoners and readers,

welcome to the April 2017 Dewey’s Readathon. This post will be my summary for the day. While I’ll post each written challenge on it’s own, I’ll link them up here. Photographic challenges are posted on my instagram account. Check the bookstagram site back in the header menu.

Opening Survey | Mid-Event Survey

You will also find my updates on how much I read in this post, so I will try to keep it up to date.



0 hours 38 minutes: 

Finally done with the fanfiction I intended to finish before Readathon. Now I’ll go on to  „Mettwurst ist kein Smoothie“ by Markus Barth. Already started before Readathon, so I’m heading off on page 59 of 192.


4 hours 16 minutes:

Page 144 of 192. Not good. And I’m getting sleepy. But it’s my usual afternoon low, so it should be over in 2 hours as long as I stay awake.


6 hours 49 minutes: 

192 of 192. I’m slower than normal. Damn. Of to „Ich habe eine Axt“ by Patrick Salmen, starting of on page 77 of 223.


8 hours 59 minutes: 

223 of 223. Crappy book. Now a little break and than starting off in the next book before it’s bedtime.


18 hours 9 minutes: 

8 am. Yesterday I only read fanfiction in the end, my brain was already fried. Now back on track with ‚Planet of Judgment‘ by Joe Haldeman, starting on page 1 of 152.



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