#24in48 – Opening Survey July 2017

So here it is. The opening survey again. Now it really feels like readathon.


  1. Where in the world are you reading from this weekend?
    Germany, as always. I should move, so I can finally say something else in this question.
  2. Have you done the 24in48 readathon before?
    Yep. It’s my third time at least.
  3. Where did you hear about the readathon, if it is your first?
    It isn’t, but back then, I kinda googled readathons as there are none in my country and I just wanted to do one. Never found other internationals then this and the Dewey’s. Are there more?
  4. What book are you most excited about reading this weekend?
    I actually trapped myself a bit with a list of books I really want/need to read this summer and swore not to read anything else until I finished off this bloody list. But there are borrowed books on it, that should finally be returned, and a book that’s waiting on the TBR now since 2010.
    I guess I’m most excited about ‚The Whizz Pop Chocolate Shop‘ by Kate Saunders. Hopefully I’ll get to reading it as I have 3 books I already started and want to finish first.
  5. Tell us something about yourself.
    Well, I just ‚graduaded‘ with my master’s degree in Social Science and now I’m unemployed. I use the time to work on my first novel. 50k words done yesterday, still a few to come.
  6. Remind us where to find you online this weekend.
    Mostly I’ll be on twitter (here) and on this blog. Maybe you’ll find a few posts on Instagram (letemeatbooks) or Litsy (taayasbooks), but I always plan to use both and then I stick to Twitter, so better look for me there.


And now have fun reading

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